Trajectory API
Java users are recommended to use an Auto Factory instead of the Trajectory API for loading and following trajectories, as it provides a more user-friendly experience for developing complex autonomous routines.
To begin utilizing trajectories created by Choreo, you must first load a Trajectory
(Java, C++) from its corresponding file.
// Loads from deploy/choreo/myTrajectory.traj
// std::nullopt is returned if the file does not exist or is invalid
auto trajectory = choreo::Choreo::LoadTrajectory<choreo::SwerveSample>("myTrajectory"); // (1)
- Use
instead ofSwerveSample
if the robot uses a differential (tank) drive
# Loads from deploy/choreo/myTrajectory.traj
# ValueError is thrown if the file does not exist or is invalid
trajectory = choreo.load_swerve_trajectory("myTrajectory") # (1)
except ValueError:
# If the trajectory is not found, ChoreoLib already prints to DriverStation
- Use
instead ofload_swerve_trajectory
if the robot uses a differential (tank) drive
Trajectories should always be loaded at startup, not when the autonomous period begins. Loading trajectories is a blocking operation, and larger trajectories may take multiple seconds to load on a RoboRIO, cutting into the time a robot has to run its autonomous routine in a match.
Trajectories can be sampled at arbitrary timestamps using sampleAt()
, which will return an interpolated sample that can be consumed by the user for trajectory following. Additionally, getInitialPose()
and getFinalPose()
can be used to retrieve a Pose2d
representing the starting and ending point of the trajectory, respectively.
See Getting Started for more details on how to implement a trajectory follower in your drive subsystem.
public class Robot extends TimedRobot {
// Loads a swerve trajectory, alternatively use DifferentialSample if the robot is tank drive
private final Optional<Trajectory<SwerveSample>> trajectory = Choreo.loadTrajectory("myTrajectory");
private final Drive driveSubsystem = new Drive();
private final Timer timer = new Timer();
public void autonomousInit() {
if (trajectory.isPresent()) {
// Get the initial pose of the trajectory
Optional<Pose2d> initialPose = trajectory.get().getInitialPose(isRedAlliance());
if (initialPose.isPresent()) {
// Reset odometry to the start of the trajectory
// Reset and start the timer when the autonomous period begins
public void autonomousPeriodic() {
if (trajectory.isPresent()) {
// Sample the trajectory at the current time into the autonomous period
Optional<SwerveSample> sample = trajectory.get().sampleAt(timer.get(), isRedAlliance());
if (sample.isPresent()) {
private boolean isRedAlliance() {
return DriverStation.getAlliance().orElse(Alliance.Blue).equals(Alliance.Red);
void Robot::AutonomousInit() {
if (trajectory.has_value()) {
// Get the initial pose of the trajectory
if (auto initialPose = trajectory.value().GetInitialPose(IsRedAlliance())) {
// Reset odometry to the start of the trajectory
// Reset and start the timer when the autonomous period begins
void Robot::AutonomousPeriodic() {
if (trajectory.has_value()) {
// Sample the trajectory at the current time into the autonomous period
if (auto sample = trajectory.value().SampleAt(timer.Get(), IsRedAlliance())) {
bool Robot::IsRedAlliance() {
auto alliance = frc::DriverStation::GetAlliance().value_or(frc::DriverStation::kBlue);
return alliance == frc::DriverStation::kRed;
class Robot : public frc::TimedRobot {
void AutonomousInit() override;
void AutonomousPeriodic() override;
// Loads a swerve trajectory, alternatively use DifferentialSample if the robot is tank drive
std::optional<choreo::Trajectory<choreo::SwerveSample>> trajectory =
Drive drive;
frc::Timer timer;
class MyRobot(wpilib.TimedRobot):
def robotInit(self):
# Loads a swerve trajectory, alternatively use load_differential_trajectory if the robot is tank drive
self.trajectory = choreo.load_swerve_trajectory("myTrajectory")
except ValueError:
self.trajectory = None
self.drive_subsystem = Drive()
self.timer = wpilib.Timer()
def autonomousInit(self):
if self.trajectory:
# Get the initial pose of the trajectory
initial_pose = self.trajectory.get_initial_pose(self.is_red_alliance())
if initial_pose:
# Reset odometry to the start of the trajectory
# Reset and start the timer when the autonomous period begins
def autonomousPeriodic(self):
if self.trajectory:
# Sample the trajectory at the current time into the autonomous period
sample = self.trajectory.sample_at(self.timer.get(), self.is_red_alliance())
if sample:
def is_red_alliance(self):
return wpilib.DriverStation.getAlliance() == wpilib.DriverStation.Alliance.kRed