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Trajectory API


Java users are recommended to use an Auto Factory instead of the Trajectory API for loading and following trajectories, as it provides a more user-friendly experience for developing complex autonomous routines.

To begin utilizing trajectories created by Choreo, you must first load a Trajectory (Java, C++) from its corresponding file.

// Loads from deploy/choreo/myTrajectory.traj
// Optional.empty() is returned if the file does not exist or is invalid
var trajectory = Choreo.loadTrajectory("myTrajectory");
// Loads from deploy/choreo/myTrajectory.traj
// std::nullopt is returned if the file does not exist or is invalid
auto trajectory = choreo::Choreo::LoadTrajectory<choreo::SwerveSample>("myTrajectory"); // (1)
  1. Use DifferentialSample instead of SwerveSample if the robot uses a differential (tank) drive
# Loads from deploy/choreo/myTrajectory.traj
# ValueError is thrown if the file does not exist or is invalid
  trajectory = choreo.load_swerve_trajectory("myTrajectory") # (1)
except ValueError:
  # If the trajectory is not found, ChoreoLib already prints to DriverStation
  1. Use load_differential_trajectory instead of load_swerve_trajectory if the robot uses a differential (tank) drive


Trajectories should always be loaded at startup, not when the autonomous period begins. Loading trajectories is a blocking operation, and larger trajectories may take multiple seconds to load on a RoboRIO, cutting into the time a robot has to run its autonomous routine in a match.

Trajectories can be sampled at arbitrary timestamps using sampleAt(), which will return an interpolated sample that can be consumed by the user for trajectory following. Additionally, getInitialPose() and getFinalPose() can be used to retrieve a Pose2d representing the starting and ending point of the trajectory, respectively.

See Getting Started for more details on how to implement a trajectory follower in your drive subsystem.
public class Robot extends TimedRobot {
    // Loads a swerve trajectory, alternatively use DifferentialSample if the robot is tank drive
    private final Optional<Trajectory<SwerveSample>> trajectory = Choreo.loadTrajectory("myTrajectory");

    private final Drive driveSubsystem = new Drive();
    private final Timer timer = new Timer();

    public void autonomousInit() {
        if (trajectory.isPresent()) {
            // Get the initial pose of the trajectory
            Optional<Pose2d> initialPose = trajectory.get().getInitialPose(isRedAlliance());

            if (initialPose.isPresent()) {
                // Reset odometry to the start of the trajectory

        // Reset and start the timer when the autonomous period begins

    public void autonomousPeriodic() {
        if (trajectory.isPresent()) {
            // Sample the trajectory at the current time into the autonomous period
            Optional<SwerveSample> sample = trajectory.get().sampleAt(timer.get(), isRedAlliance());

            if (sample.isPresent()) {

    private boolean isRedAlliance() {
        return DriverStation.getAlliance().orElse(Alliance.Blue).equals(Alliance.Red);
void Robot::AutonomousInit() {
    if (trajectory.has_value()) {
        // Get the initial pose of the trajectory
        if (auto initialPose = trajectory.value().GetInitialPose(IsRedAlliance())) {
            // Reset odometry to the start of the trajectory

    // Reset and start the timer when the autonomous period begins

void Robot::AutonomousPeriodic() {
    if (trajectory.has_value()) {
        // Sample the trajectory at the current time into the autonomous period
        if (auto sample = trajectory.value().SampleAt(timer.Get(), IsRedAlliance())) {

bool Robot::IsRedAlliance() {
    auto alliance = frc::DriverStation::GetAlliance().value_or(frc::DriverStation::kBlue);
    return alliance == frc::DriverStation::kRed;
class Robot : public frc::TimedRobot {
        void AutonomousInit() override;
        void AutonomousPeriodic() override;

        // Loads a swerve trajectory, alternatively use DifferentialSample if the robot is tank drive
        std::optional<choreo::Trajectory<choreo::SwerveSample>> trajectory =

        Drive drive;
        frc::Timer timer;
class MyRobot(wpilib.TimedRobot):
    def robotInit(self):
        # Loads a swerve trajectory, alternatively use load_differential_trajectory if the robot is tank drive
            self.trajectory = choreo.load_swerve_trajectory("myTrajectory")
        except ValueError:
            self.trajectory = None

        self.drive_subsystem = Drive()
        self.timer = wpilib.Timer()

    def autonomousInit(self):
        if self.trajectory:
            # Get the initial pose of the trajectory
            initial_pose = self.trajectory.get_initial_pose(self.is_red_alliance())

            if initial_pose:
                # Reset odometry to the start of the trajectory

        # Reset and start the timer when the autonomous period begins

    def autonomousPeriodic(self):
        if self.trajectory:
            # Sample the trajectory at the current time into the autonomous period
            sample = self.trajectory.sample_at(self.timer.get(), self.is_red_alliance())

            if sample:

    def is_red_alliance(self):
        return wpilib.DriverStation.getAlliance() == wpilib.DriverStation.Alliance.kRed