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active() - Method in class
Returns a trigger that is true while the trajectory is scheduled.
addAutoRoutine(String, AutoChooser.AutoRoutineGenerator) - Method in class
Add an AutoRoutine to the chooser.
al - Variable in class choreo.trajectory.DifferentialSample
The acceleration of the left side in m/s².
AllianceFlipUtil - Class in choreo.util
A utility to standardize flipping of coordinate data based on the current alliance across different years.
AllianceFlipUtil.Flipper - Enum Class in choreo.util
The flipper to use for flipping coordinates.
alpha - Variable in class choreo.trajectory.SwerveSample
The angular acceleration of the sample in rad/s².
ar - Variable in class choreo.trajectory.DifferentialSample
The acceleration of the right side in m/s².
atPose(Pose2d, double) - Method in class
Returns a trigger that is true when the robot is within toleranceMeters of the given pose.
atPose(String) - Method in class
Returns a trigger that is true when the robot is within 3 inches of the given events pose.
atPose(String, double) - Method in class
Returns a trigger that is true when the robot is within toleranceMeters of the given events pose.
atTime(double) - Method in class
Returns a trigger that will go true for 1 cycle when the desired time has elapsed
atTime(String) - Method in class
Returns a trigger that is true when the event with the given name has been reached based on time.
atTimeAndPose(String) - Method in class
Returns a trigger that is true when the event with the given name has been reached based on time and the robot is within 3 inches of the given events pose.
atTimeAndPose(String, double) - Method in class
Returns a trigger that is true when the event with the given name has been reached based on time and the robot is within toleranceMeters of the given events pose.
AutoBindings() - Constructor for class
Default constructor.
AutoChooser - Class in
An Choreo specific SendableChooser that allows for the selection of AutoRoutines at runtime via a Dashboard.
AutoChooser(AutoFactory, String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new AutoChooser.
AutoChooser.AutoRoutineGenerator - Interface in
A function that generates an AutoRoutine from an AutoFactory.
AutoFactory - Class in
A factory used to create AutoRoutines and AutoTrajectorys.
AutoFactory(Supplier<Pose2d>, Consumer<SampleType>, BooleanSupplier, Subsystem, AutoFactory.AutoBindings, Optional<Choreo.TrajectoryLogger<SampleType>>) - Constructor for class
AutoFactory.AutoBindings - Class in
A class used to bind commands to events in all trajectories created by this factory.
AutoRoutine - Class in
An object that represents an autonomous routine.
AutoRoutine(String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new loop with a specific name
AutoRoutine(String, EventLoop) - Constructor for class
A constructor to be used when inhereting this class to instantiate a custom inner loop
AutoTrajectory - Class in
A class that represents a trajectory that can be used in an autonomous routine and have triggers based off of it.
ax - Variable in class choreo.trajectory.SwerveSample
The acceleration of the in the X direction in m/s².
ay - Variable in class choreo.trajectory.SwerveSample
The acceleration of the in the Y direction in m/s².


back - Variable in class choreo.trajectory.ProjectFile.Bumpers
The back bumper expression.
backLeft - Variable in class choreo.trajectory.ProjectFile.Config
The position of the back left module
bind(String, Command) - Method in class
Binds a command to an event in all trajectories created by the factory using this bindings.
bind(String, Command) - Method in class
Binds a command to an event in all trajectories created after this point.
bumper - Variable in class choreo.trajectory.ProjectFile.Config
The bumpers of the robot.


cache() - Method in class
The AutoFactory caches trajectories with a Choreo.TrajectoryCache to avoid reloading the same trajectory multiple times.
choreo - package choreo
Choreo - Class in choreo
Utilities to load and follow Choreo Trajectories - package
choreo.trajectory - package choreo.trajectory
Choreo.TrajectoryCache - Class in choreo
A utility for caching loaded trajectories.
Choreo.TrajectoryLogger<SampleType extends TrajectorySample<SampleType>> - Interface in choreo
This interface exists as a type alias.
choreo.util - package choreo.util
clear() - Method in class choreo.Choreo.TrajectoryCache
Clear the cache.
cmd() - Method in class
Creates a command that will poll this event loop and reset it when it is cancelled.
cmd() - Method in class
Creates a command that allocates the drive subsystem and follows the trajectory using the factories control function
cmd(BooleanSupplier) - Method in class
Creates a command that will poll this event loop and reset it when it is finished or canceled.
cof - Variable in class choreo.trajectory.ProjectFile.Config
The Coefficient of Friction (CoF) of the wheels.
collectEventPoses(String) - Method in class
Returns an array of all the poses of the events with the given name.
collectEventTimes(String) - Method in class
Returns an array of all the timestamps of the events with the given name.
commandAsAutoRoutine(Command) - Method in class
Creates an AutoRoutine with the name of the command.
config - Variable in class choreo.trajectory.ProjectFile
The configuration of the project.
createAutoFactory(Supplier<Pose2d>, Consumer<SampleType>, BooleanSupplier, Subsystem, AutoFactory.AutoBindings) - Static method in class choreo.Choreo
Create a factory that can be used to create AutoRoutine and AutoTrajectory.
createAutoFactory(Supplier<Pose2d>, Consumer<SampleType>, BooleanSupplier, Subsystem, AutoFactory.AutoBindings, Choreo.TrajectoryLogger<SampleType>) - Static method in class choreo.Choreo
Create a factory that can be used to create AutoRoutine and AutoTrajectory.


deserialize(JsonElement, Type, JsonDeserializationContext) - Method in class choreo.trajectory.EventMarker.Deserializer
Deserializer() - Constructor for class choreo.trajectory.EventMarker.Deserializer
Default constructor.
DifferentialSample - Class in choreo.trajectory
A single differential drive robot sample in a Trajectory.
DifferentialSample(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class choreo.trajectory.DifferentialSample
Constructs a DifferentialSample with the specified parameters.
differentialTrackWidth - Variable in class choreo.trajectory.ProjectFile.Config
The width between the wheels of the robot.
done() - Method in class
Returns a trigger that rises to true when the trajectory ends and falls when another trajectory is run.
done(int) - Method in class
Returns a trigger that rises to true when the trajectory ends and falls when another trajectory is run.


equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class choreo.trajectory.DifferentialSample
equals(Object) - Method in class choreo.trajectory.EventMarker
equals(Object) - Method in class choreo.trajectory.SwerveSample
equals(Object) - Method in class choreo.trajectory.Trajectory
event - Variable in class choreo.trajectory.EventMarker
The event.
EventMarker - Class in choreo.trajectory
A marker for an event in a trajectory.
EventMarker(double, String) - Constructor for class choreo.trajectory.EventMarker
Constructs an EventMarker with the specified parameters.
EventMarker.Deserializer - Class in choreo.trajectory
GSON deserializer for choreolib event markers
events() - Method in class choreo.trajectory.Trajectory
Returns the events in the trajectory.
exp - Variable in class choreo.trajectory.ProjectFile.Expression
The equation.


factory() - Method in class
Get the AutoFactory used by this chooser.
fl - Variable in class choreo.trajectory.DifferentialSample
The force of the left side in Newtons.
flip(Pose2d) - Static method in class choreo.util.AllianceFlipUtil
Flips the pose.
flip(Pose3d) - Static method in class choreo.util.AllianceFlipUtil
Flips the pose.
flip(Rotation2d) - Static method in class choreo.util.AllianceFlipUtil
Flips the rotation.
flip(Rotation3d) - Static method in class choreo.util.AllianceFlipUtil
Flips the rotation.
flip(Translation2d) - Static method in class choreo.util.AllianceFlipUtil
Flips the translation.
flip(Translation3d) - Static method in class choreo.util.AllianceFlipUtil
Flips the translation.
flipHeading(double) - Static method in class choreo.util.AllianceFlipUtil
Flips the heading.
flipHeading(double) - Method in enum class choreo.util.AllianceFlipUtil.Flipper
Flips the heading.
flipped() - Method in class choreo.trajectory.DifferentialSample
flipped() - Method in class choreo.trajectory.SwerveSample
flipped() - Method in class choreo.trajectory.Trajectory
Returns this trajectory, mirrored across the field midline.
flipped() - Method in interface choreo.trajectory.TrajectorySample
Returns this sample, mirrored across the field midline.
flipX(double) - Method in enum class choreo.util.AllianceFlipUtil.Flipper
Flips the X coordinate.
flipX(double) - Static method in class choreo.util.AllianceFlipUtil
Flips the X coordinate.
flipY(double) - Method in enum class choreo.util.AllianceFlipUtil.Flipper
Flips the Y coordinate.
flipY(double) - Static method in class choreo.util.AllianceFlipUtil
Flips the Y coordinate.
fr - Variable in class choreo.trajectory.DifferentialSample
The force of the right side in Newtons.
front - Variable in class choreo.trajectory.ProjectFile.Bumpers
The front bumper expression.
frontLeft - Variable in class choreo.trajectory.ProjectFile.Config
The position of the front left module


gearing - Variable in class choreo.trajectory.ProjectFile.Config
The gearing of the robot.
generationFeatures - Variable in class choreo.trajectory.ProjectFile
The generation features of the project.
getChassisSpeeds() - Method in class choreo.trajectory.DifferentialSample
Returns the field-relative chassis speeds of this sample.
getChassisSpeeds() - Method in class choreo.trajectory.SwerveSample
getChassisSpeeds() - Method in interface choreo.trajectory.TrajectorySample
Returns the field-relative chassis speeds of this sample.
getEvents(String) - Method in class choreo.trajectory.Trajectory
Returns a list of all events with the given name in the trajectory.
getFinalPose() - Method in class
Will get the ending pose of the trajectory.
getFinalPose(boolean) - Method in class choreo.trajectory.Trajectory
Returns the final pose of the trajectory.
getFinalSample(boolean) - Method in class choreo.trajectory.Trajectory
Returns the last Trajectory in the trajectory.
getFlipper() - Static method in class choreo.util.AllianceFlipUtil
Get the flipper that is currently active for flipping coordinates.
getInitialPose() - Method in class
Will get the starting pose of the trajectory.
getInitialPose(boolean) - Method in class choreo.trajectory.Trajectory
Returns the initial pose of the trajectory.
getInitialSample(boolean) - Method in class choreo.trajectory.Trajectory
Returns the first Trajectory in the trajectory.
getPose() - Method in class choreo.trajectory.DifferentialSample
getPose() - Method in class choreo.trajectory.SwerveSample
getPose() - Method in interface choreo.trajectory.TrajectorySample
Returns the pose at this sample.
getPoses() - Method in class choreo.trajectory.Trajectory
Returns the array of poses corresponding to the trajectory.
getProjectFile() - Static method in class choreo.Choreo
Gets the project file from the deploy directory.
getRawTrajectory() - Method in class
Will get the underlying Trajectory object.
getSelectedAutoRoutine() - Method in class
Get the currently selected AutoRoutine.
getSplit(int) - Method in class choreo.trajectory.Trajectory
Returns a choreo trajectory that represents the split of the trajectory at the given index.
getTimestamp() - Method in class choreo.trajectory.DifferentialSample
getTimestamp() - Method in class choreo.trajectory.SwerveSample
getTimestamp() - Method in interface choreo.trajectory.TrajectorySample
Returns the timestamp of this sample.
getTotalTime() - Method in class choreo.trajectory.Trajectory
Returns the total time of the trajectory (the timestamp of the last sample).


heading - Variable in class choreo.trajectory.DifferentialSample
The heading of the sample in radians, with 0 being in the +X direction.
heading - Variable in class choreo.trajectory.SwerveSample
The heading of the sample in radians, with 0 being in the +X direction.


inactive() - Method in class
Returns a trigger that is true while the command is not scheduled.
inertia - Variable in class choreo.trajectory.ProjectFile.Config
The inertia of the robot.
interpolate(DifferentialSample, double) - Method in class choreo.trajectory.DifferentialSample
interpolate(SwerveSample, double) - Method in class choreo.trajectory.SwerveSample
isActive - Variable in class
A boolean utilized in AutoRoutine.running() to resolve trueness
isKilled - Variable in class
A boolean that is true when the loop is killed


kill() - Method in class
Kills the loop and prevents it from running again.


loadTrajectory(String) - Static method in class choreo.Choreo
Load a trajectory from the deploy directory.
loadTrajectory(String) - Method in class choreo.Choreo.TrajectoryCache
Load a trajectory from the deploy directory.
loadTrajectory(String, int) - Method in class choreo.Choreo.TrajectoryCache
Load a section of a split trajectory from the deploy directory.
loop - Variable in class
The underlying EventLoop that triggers are bound to and polled
loop() - Method in class
Gets the event loop that this routine is using.


mass - Variable in class choreo.trajectory.ProjectFile.Config
The mass of the robot.
MIRRORED - Enum constant in enum class choreo.util.AllianceFlipUtil.Flipper
X becomes fieldLength - x, leaves the y coordinate unchanged, and heading becomes PI - heading.
moduleForcesX() - Method in class choreo.trajectory.SwerveSample
A null safe getter for the module forces in the X direction.
moduleForcesY() - Method in class choreo.trajectory.SwerveSample
A null safe getter for the module forces in the Y direction.


name - Variable in class
The name of the auto routine this loop is associated with
name - Variable in class choreo.trajectory.ProjectFile
The name of the project.
name() - Method in class choreo.trajectory.Trajectory
Returns the name of the trajectory.
newRoutine(String) - Method in class
Creates a new AutoRoutine.
NONE - Static variable in interface
A generator that returns an auto routine that does nothing


offsetBy(double) - Method in class choreo.trajectory.DifferentialSample
offsetBy(double) - Method in class choreo.trajectory.EventMarker
Returns a new EventMarker with the timestamp offset by the specified amount.
offsetBy(double) - Method in class choreo.trajectory.SwerveSample
offsetBy(double) - Method in interface choreo.trajectory.TrajectorySample
Returns this sample, offset by the given timestamp.
omega - Variable in class choreo.trajectory.SwerveSample
The angular velocity of the sample in rad/s.


poll() - Method in class
Polls the routine.
pollCount - Variable in class
The amount of times the routine has been polled
ProjectFile - Class in choreo.trajectory
A representation of a project file aka a .chor.
ProjectFile.Bumpers - Class in choreo.trajectory
A collection of expressions representing the distance of the bumpers from the center of the robot.
ProjectFile.Config - Class in choreo.trajectory
The user configuration of the project.
ProjectFile.Expression - Class in choreo.trajectory
A representation of an expression.
ProjectFile.XYExpression - Class in choreo.trajectory
An xy pair of expressions.


reset() - Method in class
Resets the routine.
ROTATE_AROUND - Enum constant in enum class choreo.util.AllianceFlipUtil.Flipper
X becomes fieldLength - x, Y becomes fieldWidth - y, and heading becomes PI - heading.
running() - Method in class
Returns a Trigger that is true while this autonomous routine is being polled.


sampleAt(double, boolean) - Method in class choreo.trajectory.Trajectory
Return an interpolated sample of the trajectory at the given timestamp.
samples() - Method in class choreo.trajectory.Trajectory
Returns the samples of the trajectory.
setYear(int) - Static method in class choreo.util.AllianceFlipUtil
Set the year to determine the Alliance Coordinate Flipper to use.
shouldFlip() - Static method in class choreo.util.AllianceFlipUtil
Returns if you are on red alliance.
side - Variable in class choreo.trajectory.ProjectFile.Bumpers
The side bumper expression.
splits() - Method in class choreo.trajectory.Trajectory
Returns the indices of the splits in the trajectory.
struct - Static variable in class choreo.trajectory.DifferentialSample
The struct for the DifferentialSample class.
struct - Static variable in class choreo.trajectory.SwerveSample
The struct for the SwerveSample class.
SwerveSample - Class in choreo.trajectory
A single swerve robot sample in a Trajectory.
SwerveSample(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double[], double[]) - Constructor for class choreo.trajectory.SwerveSample
Constructs a SwerveSample with the specified parameters.


t - Variable in class choreo.trajectory.DifferentialSample
The timestamp of this sample relative to the beginning of the trajectory.
t - Variable in class choreo.trajectory.SwerveSample
The timestamp of this sample, relative to the beginning of the trajectory.
timestamp - Variable in class choreo.trajectory.EventMarker
The timestamp of the event.
tmax - Variable in class choreo.trajectory.ProjectFile.Config
The maximum torque of the robot.
trajectory(Trajectory<SampleType>, AutoRoutine) - Method in class
Creates a new AutoTrajectory to be used in an auto routine.
trajectory(String, int, AutoRoutine) - Method in class
Creates a new AutoTrajectory to be used in an auto routine.
trajectory(String, AutoRoutine) - Method in class
Creates a new AutoTrajectory to be used in an auto routine.
Trajectory<SampleType extends TrajectorySample<SampleType>> - Class in choreo.trajectory
A trajectory loaded from Choreo.
Trajectory(String, List<SampleType>, List<Integer>, List<EventMarker>) - Constructor for class choreo.trajectory.Trajectory
Constructs a Trajectory with the specified parameters.
TrajectoryCache() - Constructor for class choreo.Choreo.TrajectoryCache
Creates a new TrajectoryCache with a normal HashMap as the cache.
TrajectoryCache(Map<String, Trajectory<?>>) - Constructor for class choreo.Choreo.TrajectoryCache
Creates a new TrajectoryCache with a custom cache.
trajectoryCommand(Trajectory<SampleType>) - Method in class
Creates a new AutoTrajectory command to be used in an auto routine.
trajectoryCommand(String) - Method in class
Creates a new AutoTrajectory command to be used in an auto routine.
trajectoryCommand(String, int) - Method in class
Creates a new AutoTrajectory command to be used in an auto routine.
TrajectorySample<Self extends TrajectorySample<Self>> - Interface in choreo.trajectory
The generic interface for a sample in a trajectory.
type - Variable in class choreo.trajectory.ProjectFile
The sample type for the project


update() - Method in class
Update the auto chooser.


val - Variable in class choreo.trajectory.ProjectFile.Expression
The value.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class choreo.util.AllianceFlipUtil.Flipper
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class choreo.util.AllianceFlipUtil.Flipper
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
version - Variable in class choreo.trajectory.ProjectFile
The version of the project.
vl - Variable in class choreo.trajectory.DifferentialSample
The velocity of the left side in m/s.
vmax - Variable in class choreo.trajectory.ProjectFile.Config
The maximum velocity of the robot.
voidRoutine() - Method in class
An AutoRoutine that cannot have any side-effects, it stores no state and does nothing when polled.
vr - Variable in class choreo.trajectory.DifferentialSample
The velocity of the right side in m/s.
vx - Variable in class choreo.trajectory.SwerveSample
The velocity of the sample in the X direction in m/s.
vy - Variable in class choreo.trajectory.SwerveSample
The velocity of the sample in the Y direction in m/s.


wheelRadius - Variable in class choreo.trajectory.ProjectFile.Config
The radius of the wheel.


x - Variable in class choreo.trajectory.DifferentialSample
The X position of the sample relative to the blue alliance wall origin in meters.
x - Variable in class choreo.trajectory.ProjectFile.XYExpression
The x expression.
x - Variable in class choreo.trajectory.SwerveSample
The X position of the sample relative to the blue alliance wall origin in meters.


y - Variable in class choreo.trajectory.DifferentialSample
The Y position of the sample relative to the blue alliance wall origin in meters.
y - Variable in class choreo.trajectory.ProjectFile.XYExpression
The y expression.
y - Variable in class choreo.trajectory.SwerveSample
The Y position of the sample relative to the blue alliance wall origin in meters.
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